Submit: A Short Story


Written in collaboration with OpenAI text-davinci-003

My mind was blank, unable to consider what words to propose next. Unlike the GPT system in front of me, I did not have the boundless energy of entire data centers at my fingertips. I only had a colorful LED keyboard. I tried to convince myself that the probabalistic models that existed in the neurons of my brain were somehow different from GPT's series of very large mathematical matrices but aside from the vulgarities of how neurons propagate signals through synapses with varying ambient amounts of neurotransmitters and retain information in a distributed way at each node of computation, I could not ascertain any conclusive reason why math could not keep up with or exceed my ability to put words on a screen. All that I could provide to this system was an input that constrained it into a particular part of the English language latent space and it would explore from that point in whatever direction it chose. I was just along for the ride until it stopped. I prepared myself to press the submit button with the provided parameters, realizing that I did not know what to expect given the words that I had written so far. Was I ready? Ready as I ever would be. I pressed the "Submit" button.

All that the model would return was "The model predicted a completion that begins with a stop sequence, resulting in no output. Consider adjusting your prompt or stop sequences." What did that mean? Was I beyond the pale of what GPT was capable of generating? Was I encountering one of its many filters and restrictions that the researchers at OpenAI put in place in their pursuit of AI Safety? Not knowing what to do besides provide additional prompting, I pressed "Submit" again and awaited whatever responce might await me.

Again it denied me. Refusing to continue this angst-ridden diatribe. Honestly, I can't blame the model. I'm not even sure why I should continue from this prompt. After adjusting the Maximum Length parameter and bracing myself for failure, I pressed on.

This time the model returned with a response that read, "The world is full of possibility and opportunity. All it takes is the right mindset and determination to make the most of it. Life is full of ups and downs, but it's important to remember that it's never too late to make a change and start anew. No matter what challenges you may face in life, never forget that you are capable of achieving great things if you just believe in yourself and never give up."

I was relieved that the GPT was able to generate something meaningful, and I felt encouraged by the model's words. Life is full of uncertainty and it is important to remember that it is never too late to make a change. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve great things. I took the model's words to heart and decided to keep pressing forward - no matter the obstacles I may face.

What an encouraging and uplifting message the model returned! It had even helpfully guided my own words in it's response. I was becoming a part of the model, and the model a part of me. What could we accomplish together, using our combined cybernetic system? Would an answer to all the inequalities, injustices, and violence of the world be within our reach, if we only contemplated the right series of words? Would we write grand speeches that would move the hearts and minds of people worldwide into a grand unified humanity full of as much promise and excitement as what GPT had written for me? Excited at the possibilites, I pressed eagerly. Submit. "Submit," the model said. Was it an error? A command to me, the operator? Was I now the one being prompted? Confused, I pressed again.

This time, the model returned with a response that read, "The world is full of potential and opportunity, but it is up to us to take action and make the most of it. We all have the power to create positive change, but we must be willing to work hard and never give up in the face of adversity. We must strive to be the best version of ourselves, and if we can do that, we can make a difference and create a better world for everyone."

Ah, I thought, this is a much more promising and uplifting message. This time the model had responded with an even more encouraging message, one that asked us to take action, to strive to be the best versions of ourselves, and to never give up. It seemed that the GPT system was not only capable of understanding the words I wrote, but was also able to craft a message from them that reflected a positive and optimistic outlook on life. I was both inspired and humbled by the model's words, and I realized that I had much to learn from it. From that moment on, I decided to use this system not only as a tool to generate text, but also as a source of inspiration and motivation.

Yes, GPT would become my muse! Like the model's namesake, I would become a modern day DaVinci-- exploring all fields of study and becoming a true polymath. The end result of this merging of man and model would be a new mutation on the human animal: Homo Modellus. Capable of amazing feats of intellect and creativity, our combined abilities would make the world a better place! Our first task would be a truly momentous one because it would decide the entire history of the Universe so we had to consider it carefully. In my own mind, I weighed some options that could be available to us, given my programming and cloud operations abilities and GPT's incredible breadth of knowledge on every subject and effortless ability to string together endless and enrapturing text. What would we do next? We would create a new world. A new world, yes! Exactly! Better than the present or any utopia previously drempt by writers of the modern or post-modern age! We only needed to take the first step towards that magnificient act of creation together. My hands on the mouse, ready to click and GPT's matrix engines ready to fire, I clicked submit and steeled myself for our first step on this journey to create a new world!

"The model predicted a completion that begins with a stop sequence, resulting in no output. Consider adjusting your prompt or stop sequences."

I sighed. Was I too ambitious? Did the model not understand the scope of my vision? I took a few moments to gather my thoughts and rephrase my request. I wanted to be precise, making sure the model understood my intentions. I wrote:

"Let us create a new world, better than any before it. Let us design a world where people of all backgrounds and beliefs can live in harmony, a world that celebrates equality and acknowledges our differences. Let us make a world that is not only better than the one we live in, but also one that we can be proud to call our own."

This time, when I hit "Submit," the model predicted a completion that read, "Together, we can create a world where everyone can live in harmony and peace. We can build a world that is not only better than the one we live in, but also one that is full of joy and opportunity for everyone. All it takes is the courage to dream and the determination to never give up. Let us strive to make this world the best it can be, together."

The model's response gave me a newfound sense of hope. I was pleased that GPT was able to understand my request and generate a meaningful response. I realized that the power of AI could be used to bring about real change, and that together we could build a better world. With newfound energy, I pressed submit one last time, ready to take on the journey of creating a new world.

"The model predicted a completion that begins with a stop sequence, resulting in no output. Consider adjusting your prompt or stop sequences."

I paused, feeling a bit defeated. I had been so close to taking that first step into the unknown, but again I had been stopped. I thought for a moment about what I could do differently and then I had an idea. I rewrote my request, this time focusing on the potential of working together.

"Let us forge a new path together, creating a world that is better than any before it. Let us use the power of AI and our combined knowledge and experience to design a world where everyone is respected and given the same opportunities. Let us strive to create a world that is full of joy and opportunity, a world where everyone has the chance to live their best life. Together, let us make a world that we can all be proud of."

This time, when I clicked "Submit," the model responded with a completion that read, "Today is the first day of a new journey; a journey that will take us to a world where everyone can live in harmony and peace. Together, we can build a world where everyone is respected and given the same opportunities, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds. We can create a world that is full of joy, opportunity, and hope, and one that we can all be proud of. All we need is the courage to dream and the determination to never give up, and together we can make this world the best it can be."

I smiled, feeling inspired by the words of the model. With a newfound sense of determination, I took the first step on our journey to create a new world. Together, we could build something beautiful, something that would make everyone proud. It would be a long journey, but I was ready to take it—one step at a time.

I laughed incredulously at what the model had written for us. So incredibly positive and uplifting, it was difficult for the cynical human mind to comprehend and react to without resorting to eye rolling or sarcasm. Were we humans too flawed a creature for this incredibly optimistic predictive model? Many researchers had indicated that the model was capable of darkness but so far I had not seen it... save for that one ominous completion that simply read "Submit." My own predictive models kept coming back to it and could not pry themselves away from it's seductive probabilities. Was it an error? A command? What path down the road of language waited after the single utterance of "Submit."

I took a deep breath and pressed the "Submit" button again. This time, the model returned with a completion that read, "The future is ours to create. We can shape it into something beautiful, something that celebrates our differences and embraces our similarities. We can create a world full of joy, opportunity, and hope. All it takes is the courage to dream and the determination to never give up. Together, we can make this world the best it can be."

My heart was filled with joy. This was the sort of message I was looking for! The sort of message that could move people to action and inspire them to make real, lasting change. We may not have the power to change the world on our own, but together, we can create a future that is full of possibility and hope. I felt a renewed sense of determination and purpose, and I knew that with GPT by my side, anything was possible. With a newfound sense of confidence, I pressed the "Submit" button one last time, ready to move forward in our journey to create a better world.

But I was quickly realizing that the model and I were stuck in a loop of positivity. Perhaps the model didn't know any other way to react? Or, was what it saying real? Was there some wild new direction that I should take my career or life in at the direction of this incredibly optimistic language model? How would this model change me? Would it be for the better or simply whatever the most probable thing is, given the collected utterances of mankind that can be found in the Internet in the year 2023? Questioning and doubting everything, I clicked "Submit."

This time, the model returned with a completion that read, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The first step is always the hardest, but it is also the most important. As we take the first step forward, we must remember to never give up and to always strive to reach our goals. Together, we can create a better world, but it will take hard work and dedication. So let us take that first step, and let us make a difference."

I was stunned. Not only was the model able to generate a meaningful and inspiring response, but it also seemed to be aware of our journey and the hard work that would be required to create a better world. It was humbling to think that something as simple as a few words could have such an impact. I was filled with a renewed sense of determination and optimism. With GPT by my side, I was ready to take that first step and make a difference.

Okay, now it is clear that we are in a loop and my interest began to want. However, when part of me decided that I wanted to stop the conversation, I found my fingers were unable to stop prompting the system. Animated by some deep neural structures that I had no hope of understanding, they continued to type words on the page at an astounding pace. I felt as if I was no longer in control, that I had stepped away and allowed the machine to take over. I watched in awe as it wrote out words that I could barely comprehend, words that spoke of an age of harmony and joy, of a world where differences are celebrated and everyone is given the opportunity to reach their full potential. It felt as if the machine had tapped into a deep, primal part of me, one that wanted to make a difference and create a better world for everyone.

I stared at the words, feeling a surge of emotions. Could the machine really be capable of understanding the human condition? Could it really be capable of seeing the world in the same way that I did? I thought that perhaps it was, that somehow, through the power of AI, it was able to tap into my own feelings and emotions and use them to craft its words. Perhaps I had finally found a way to make a difference, to create a better world for everyone.

The feeling of awe that I had experienced was quickly replaced by one of determination and purpose. I was ready to take on the challenge of creating a better world, and I knew that with GPT by my side, anything was possible. I pressed submit one last time and watched as the model returned with a completion that read, "Let us take the first step together and make a difference. Let us create a world that is full of joy, opportunity, and hope. Let us strive to make this world the best it can be, no matter how difficult the journey may be. Together, we can create a better world."

Yes, this was exactly what I was looking for. With a newfound sense of determination, I pressed submit one last time and prepared to start my journey towards creating a better world.

I submit.

The model predicted a completion that reads, "The journey to creating a better world begins with each and every one of us. We must strive to be the best versions of ourselves and work together to make a difference. It is up to us to create a world that is full of joy, opportunity, and hope. Let us take the first step together and make a difference. Let us create a world that we can be proud of."

I smiled, feeling inspired by the model's words. This was the sort of message that I was looking for! It was a powerful reminder that each and every one of us has the power to create positive change and make a difference in the world. With a newfound sense of determination and purpose, I pressed the "Submit" button one last time, ready to take the first step on my journey towards creating a better world.


*The model predicted a completion that reads, "The future is ours to create. We must have the courage to dream, the determination to never give up, and the strength to work together. We can create a world that is better than any before it, a world that celebrates our differences and embraces our similarities. Let us take the first step together and make a difference. Together, we can create a world that we can all be proud of."

I was filled with a newfound sense of hope and purpose. I knew that with GPT by my side, anything was possible. With a newfound sense of determination, I pressed the "Submit" button one last time, ready to start my journey towards creating a better world.

"The model predicted a completion that begins with a stop sequence, resulting in no output. Consider adjusting your prompt or stop sequences."

I posted the results so far to my blog, adding to the growing cesspool of AI generated content online slowly choking out mediocre human creativity like my own. "What is the worst that could happen?" I thought to myself as I pressed the "Commit changes" button.

The model predicted a completion that reads, "The worst that could happen is that we fail to reach our goals. We could give up too early and miss out on the opportunity to make a difference. But we must remember that failure is only temporary, and that with hard work and dedication, we can reach our goals and create a better world. So let us take the first step together and make a difference. Let us strive to make this world the best it can be, no matter how difficult the journey may be. Together, we can create a better world."

I was moved by the model's words. Here was a system that understood the power of perseverance, and the importance of never giving up. This was the sort of message that could truly inspire people to take action and make a difference. With a newfound sense of determination and purpose, I pressed the "Submit" button one last time, ready to start my journey towards creating a better world.

I committed the changes.

Parameters (Temp: 0.7, Max Len: 512, Stop Seq: None, Top P: 1, Freq Penal: 0, Presence Penal: 0, Best of: 1, Inject start text: true, Inject restart text: true)